How to pray the Chaplet to St. Peregrine

Prayer chaplet St Peregrine

 How to pray the chaplet to St. Peregrine

The Chaplet to St. Peregrine is prayed on a nine bead chaplet, with a medal of St. Peregrine on one end, and a crucifix on the other. It is a powerful chaplet for those who are fighting cancer, to give them strength and hope.

Chaplet to St. Peregrine

Introductory prayer on the crucifix:
O God, who gave to St. Peregrine an angel for his companion, the Mother of God for his teacher, and Jesus as the physician for his malady, grant we beseech you through his merits, that we may on earth intensely love our holy Angels, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and our Saviour; and in Him bless them forever. Grant that we may receive the favour which we now petition: (present your request). We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

On each bead pray:
One our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be, and 'St. Peregrine, pray for us'. 


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Bronze St. Peregrine Chaplet  St. Peregrine Chaplet

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  • Gene on

    Pray for my younger adult son recovering from colon cancer removal. Dr discovered two lymph nodes that also have cancer. Pray for my son will be cancer free and totally recovered soon.

  • Elidia H Solis on

    Please pray for my brother who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on the 9th of January he will have an MRI to see if it has spread

  • Rosa Cultura Go on

    Please pray for me for the healing of my pancreatic cancer. It has recurred after a year of remission. 🙏🙏🙏

  • Winnie on

    Could you all please pray for my brother in law John Lawrence is is very very poorly with cancer

  • Robbyn on

    Please pray for my mom who was diagnosed with stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma
    It’s tough but Our God is tougher 🙏 we pray for a miracle in Jesus’ name

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