Deepen Your Faith — Pro-Life
Practical Ways to be Pro-Life from Cradle to Grave

Are you pro-life but sometimes wonder how one person can make a difference? Here are some simple and practical ways you can change lives. Choose one that speaks to you and become a pro-life warrior! PRAY Pray the Pro-Life Rosary. Pray for Vicitims of Post-Abortion syndrome. A Rachel Rosary uses regular rosary beads, with each Hail Mary prayer having a specific intention for someone involved in abortion - the pregnant woman, her counsellor, her doctor, her parents, the father of the child. Spiritually adopt a baby in danger of abortion. Pray outside your local abortion clinic. Remember to be...
3 Ways to Pray the Chaplet to St. Gerard
Expectant mother gift Gift ideas Prayer chaplet Prayers for parenting Pro-Life St. Gerard Majella

St. Gerard is the patron saint of mothers, expectant mothers, and unborn children. He is a powerful saint to ask for intercession when you are trying to conceive a baby. Using a nine bead chaplet, here are three different prayers to ask for this St. Gerard's intercession. Prayer for One Desiring Parenthood: Introductory prayer:O good St. Gerard, powerful intercessor before the throne of God, wonder-worker of our day, I call upon you and seek your help. While on earth, you always fulfilled God's designs; help me to always do God's holy will. Beseech the Master of life, from whom...
How to pray the Pro-Life Rosary

The Pro-Life Rosary is a beautiful way to pray for the unborn children and all who are affected by abortion. It is prayed on a five decade rosary with different coloured beads for different intentions. You can buy a prolife rosary here. Prayer at the Crucifix:Lord, for all those who say 'I don't believe,' I say 'I believe in God...' continue with the Apostles Creed, and then an Our Father at the first bead for the intentions of the Holy Father. Purple represents the Lord's Passion and Death. At the three purple Hail Mary beads pray:Lord I offer these...