Deepen Your Faith — Gift ideas
5 Beautiful books to help your children understand the Catholic Faith
Book recommendations Gift ideas

I believe one of the best ways to teach our children anything is to read them books and that each home should have a library of good books available for a child to read at any time. We still borrow a lot of books from the library, but find it helpful to own the ones that teach our children faith and values, so they are always available. It takes time to build a good home library, and it is not cheap, but it is so worthwhile. Consider buying a book for your children for birthdays and Christmas, and make...
3 Ways to Pray the Chaplet to St. Gerard
Expectant mother gift Gift ideas Prayer chaplet Prayers for parenting Pro-Life St. Gerard Majella

St. Gerard is the patron saint of mothers, expectant mothers, and unborn children. He is a powerful saint to ask for intercession when you are trying to conceive a baby. Using a nine bead chaplet, here are three different prayers to ask for this St. Gerard's intercession. Prayer for One Desiring Parenthood: Introductory prayer:O good St. Gerard, powerful intercessor before the throne of God, wonder-worker of our day, I call upon you and seek your help. While on earth, you always fulfilled God's designs; help me to always do God's holy will. Beseech the Master of life, from whom...
How to pray the Chaplet to St Monica
Gift ideas Prayer chaplet Prayers for marriage Prayers for parenting St. Monica

St Monica, the mother of St Augustine, prayed daily for her husband and son. She is a wonderful saint to ask for intercession when you need extra prayer support as a wife and mother. The chaplet to St Monica is a nine bead chaplet. Introductory prayer on the crucifix:The Apostle's Creed On each set of three beads say one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be. Concluding prayer to St Monica, prayed on the medal:Dear St Monica, troubled wife and mother. Many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime. Yet you never despaired or lost faith. With confidence,...
How to pray the Beads of the Dead chaplet
Gift ideas Prayer chaplet Purgatory

The Beads of the Dead chaplet is a prayer in memory of the forty hours between Christ's death and resurrection, often prayed on behalf of a loved one. You will need a special chaplet with four decades which are available here. The chaplet would make a beautiful gift for someone who is grieving the loss of a family member or close friend. The Beads of the Dead Chaplet: Introductory Prayer - The De profundis (Psalm 130):Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord; Lord hear my voice. Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my...
6 ways to use a Rosary Marker

Since discovering Rosary Markers a few years ago, I have been excited to find new uses for them. I originally made some to put onto my rosary so I don't lose my place when I get interrupted during prayer, but now use them in different ways too. Here are six different uses for rosary markers: 1. Most obviously, use one on your rosary in case you get interrupted during prayer. I've lost track of the amount of times I've been in the middle of a rosary, and one of the children has woken up and needed attention. I am able...