Deepen Your Faith — St Therese
Litany of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

Litany of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus(For private use only) Lord, have mercy on us.Christ, have mercy on us.Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.God the Father of Heaven,have mercy on us.God, the Son, Redeemer of the world,have mercy on us.God the Holy Spirit,have mercy on us.Holy Trinity, one God,have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Mother of God,pray for us.Our Lady of Victory,pray for us.Our Lady of Mount Carmel,pray for us.Saint Therese of the Child Jesus,pray for us.Saint Therese of the Holy Face,pray for us.Saint Therese, spouse of Jesus,pray for us.Saint Therese, child of...