Praying for our children and our role as their mother is a beautiful way to start each day. An easy way to remember to pray these quick prayers is to copy and laminate them, then stick them on your bathroom mirror or wall where you will see them each morning when you shower or brush your teeth.
Morning Offering
O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother, Mary, I offer you today my prayers, my sufferings, my disappointments, my joys and all my works. I give you these together with all that is offered to you in the Sacrifice of the Mass everywhere in the world. I give this gift of today in reparation for my sins, for the needs of people throughout the world, for the intentions and needs of my loved ones, for the poor souls in purgatory, and for our Holy Father. Amen
Daily Prayer
God Almighty Father, help me to live today according to your will. Give me the strength to do the work of this day. Make no load too heavy to bear, no duty too burdensome. Give me the time to fulfill your will, time to be joyful in serving you and my family, and time to have a moment of peace.
Dear Father, give me a loving heart, a smile, a word of comfort for others. Let me not do anything to diminish your light shining about us all. Let my words be cheerful, let my silence bring your song of joy to me this day. Amen.
A Mother's Prayer for Her Children
Dear Lord, bless my children in their waking and sleeping, in the food they eat and in their play and study. Grant them, O Lord, the right use of your graces and gifts that in all they do, in every pursuit of their lives, they may seek to give you glory and come to share in Your eternal joy. Direct their steps, O Lord, and lead them along paths that will bring them to you, in peace and love forever. Amen.
(These prayers and more can be found in All Mothers Prayerbook by The Leaflet Missal Company).
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