Since becoming Catholic, I have been drawn to the rosary. I have always joked that I made a terrible protestant because I was hopeless at praying. I am not good with words, so my prayers would last less than two minutes, and I would feel guilty that I hadn't prayed properly. I'm just not eloquent enough. The rosary solves this problem for me. I think of my prayer intentions, then pray the rosary, while meditating on the mysteries. My husband and I try to pray the rosary together every night. BUT...
I fall asleep. Every. Single. Night. It's actually quite hilarious. I'm sure my husband is laughing at me while I am trying to stay awake, praying Hail Marys when I should be praying Our Fathers. Sometimes I even just randomly start saying weird things. Sometimes I just doze and realise there is silence and he just finishes my prayers while I'm trying to figure out what I'm up to. I have the best intentions, but let's be honest. I have 8 children. I hardly get any sleep. The rosary is so relaxing for me, I just sleep. This is where a Pocket Rosary comes in...
The last couple of weeks I have had a Pocket rosary in my jeans pocket, ready to pray a decade here and there. When my sister rang me with an urgent prayer request I was able to stop what I was doing, and pray a decade of the rosary for this particular prayer intention. It took only a few minutes, but it was real prayer. There is no way I could have found time for a whole rosary at that moment. And if I relied on my old kind of praying? Well, that would have been tragic... "Dear God, I pray for ... Please help them... Your will be done. Amen"
Since that day, I have found many opportunities to pray a decade of the rosary. And each night, as I am falling asleep, I pray a decade for the souls in purgatory, and if I'm still awake after that, a decade for priests. And when my baby wakes up during the night? I pray a decade or two for another prayer intention.
Having a pocket rosary available at all times has greatly improved my prayer life, and it will improve yours too. I highly recommend you have one in your pocket, in your purse, in your car, on your bedside table.
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Hi Linda,
Thank you for your encouragement. I love this: “I wonder if Our Lady just might be granting you that rest you need while your hubby prays.” I hope this is the case! I will think of this tonight if I doze off, and instead of feeling like I failed again, I can be assured that it was a gift of sleep.
God bless you!
Could truly relate to your testimony on praying the rosary. My hubby struggles terribly. He tries so hard to stay awake but fails frequently.
With 8 children to care for, I wonder if Our Lady just might be granting you that rest you need while your hubby prays. Your day’s labor must be an enormous offering of it’s own. Your efforts are truly admirable.
God Bless You & Your Family!
Hi Terry.
I have several pocket rosaries available in the Marian Graces store. Here is the link to some silver ones – https://mariangraces.com/collections/silver-pocket-rosaries-1, and here are some bronze ones – https://mariangraces.com/collections/bronze-pocket-rosaries
God bless,
Where can I buy a few pocket rosary
Thank-you for your faith, inspiration, & positive encouragement!