Deepen Your Faith — Prayer chaplet
How to pray an Emergency Novena
Mother Teresa Novena Prayer chaplet St. Teresa of Calcutta

Have you ever found yourself in an emergency with no time to pray a full nine-day novena? When Mother Teresa faced urgent situations, she would pray an "Emergency Novena" - nine Memorares in petition, followed by a tenth in thanksgiving. This is also referred to as an Express or Flying novena. Similar to the rosary, you can count the prayers on your fingers, but using a chaplet makes the experience more focused and intentional. Memorare:Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known, that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession, was left...
Why I always carry a Pocket Rosary, and why you should too
Gift ideas Pocket Rosary Prayer chaplet Rosary

Since becoming Catholic, I have been drawn to the rosary. I have always joked that I made a terrible protestant because I was hopeless at praying. I am not good with words, so my prayers would last less than two minutes, and I would feel guilty that I hadn't prayed properly. I'm just not eloquent enough. The rosary solves this problem for me. I think of my prayer intentions, then pray the rosary, while meditating on the mysteries. My husband and I try to pray the rosary together every night. BUT... I fall asleep. Every. Single. Night. It's actually quite...
Novena to Saint Jude
Gift ideas Novena Prayer chaplet St Jude

After I was newly confirmed into the Catholic church, I started to learn who the saints were and how they could be a part of our lives. Not long after, when I was pregnant with our fifth child, I learned about St Jude, patron saint of hopeless and desperate cases. It was getting close to my due date, and our toddler was having some terribly sleepless nights. I was exhausted, and worried how I would cope with a new baby. So in desperation, I began a novena to St Jude. And the results shocked me! Our toddler, who hadn't yet...
St Gerard chaplet - Gift for expectant mothers
Expectant mother gift Prayer chaplet St Gerard
When your best friend has just confided in you that she is expecting a baby, giving her the gift of a St Gerard chaplet is the perfect way to share in her excitement. St Gerard Majella is the patron saint of expectant mothers, pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood and the pro-life movement, so he is the perfect saint to turn to when praying for the health and safety of this beautiful new baby. It will help her stay focussed on the blessing of pregnancy and her new baby. Included with the chaplet are three different prayers: for the expectant mother, for one...